
Name; Allan Logan.
DOB; 17th May 1992.
Location; Glasgow, Scotland.
Family; Girlfriend (Vanessa) and baby boy (Allan James, AJ for short).

Well, I'm Allan - usually go under the moniker MadSack-Tv when doing anything to do with my collection - not much reasoning behind the name, it was just something random I came up with one day...

I am absolutely obsessed with collecting. It started off as only collecting DVDs and games, although it was less collecting, and more 'buying because I wanted it'.

My collection grew and grew, before I then moved onto collecting Limited Editions, and then many other items as well.

Now, I tend to go through phases of what I'm currently buying, such as, one month I may be more interested in games, and other months I'm interested in getting movie props (which will become apparent as updates will most likely be of the same type of item).

The collection is now taking over, as I'm running out of space to display everything, so I shall be moving house in the near future.

My entire collection will be posted on here, both ends of the spectrum, and also some items my girlfriend has acquired - so don't worry when something girly is mentioned - it'll be hers.

Well, I think that's all you really need to know - but if you have any questions, then just leave me a comment and I'll do my best to get back to you.

Hope you enjoy the site!

Click for photos.
