Tuesday 18 January 2011

Alien Quadrilogy Deluxe Alien Head Box Set.

The front of the box it came in.

Not sure if this number is the official number of my item, or if the number on the bag (which I have misplaced) was...

Box set of all the Alien movies - left it unopened, as I already own the box set.

View from an angle, notice the quality of the paintwork and the immense detail.

Back view, no plaque on the base.

Alien "face" - highly detailed.

When the cover is removed, the Alien's skull is revealed - again, well detailed, and ever so slightly creepy.

Front view, plaque on the base reads "ALIEN 25th Anniversary".

Front view, alongside box set to give a rough idea of sizing.

Inside view, 9 discs stand in slots. Lining has a velvety texture, great for preventing damage to the discs. (I used the discs from my already opened Alien Quadrilogy box set as I wanted to keep the new one pristine).

Alien Head.
DigiStack incl. 9 discs w/ Slipcase.

Packaging/Features Review:

Amazing quality, Alien head is extremely detailed and the model has a good weight to it - not flimsy at all, completely sturdy and of great quality. Probably the heaviest model I currently own. 

I really like how the discs can be placed inside the head, as it is an unusual way of doing so, as many other models just contain an area to store the discs, hidden away, rather plainly - but this model has done it differently by making them part of the display and showcasing them very nicely, whilst still protecting them.

Only downside is that the cover of the Alien head (the top of it's head) is slightly too large for the model (although this is a universal problem as all of these models apparently have the same issue). Would have been better if the cover clipped into place or something, but it's not a major fault.

Regarding the special features, etc - there is an absolute shitload! An amazing 40+ hours worth of bonus features which for an fan of the Alien series, is a definite must-have.

Rating: 9½/10.

Film Reviews:

Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien: Resurrection.

All four films are amazing. Must say that my favourite is the first (but then again, with series - that usually happens!). Although, "Aliens" is where they bring in guns such as the Pulse Rifles, which were a big hit with me! I also liked the creepiness of the beeping whenever an Alien was nearby. Alien 3 is where Ripley is in a prison filled with rapists and murderers, yet she somehow still manages to kick ass! And I also loved the intesity at the end when Ripley and the prisoners are battling with the Alien, trying to push it into the furnace. And finally, Alien: Resurrection. I really enjoyed this movie, and liked that Ron Perlman was in it (as I'm a fan of his). I liked the human-Alien hybrid, and how ADI (the special effects company) spliced both an alien and a human together to get this creepy looking creature, of which the viewer feels empathetic towards.

All in all, as a collection of movies, they are definitely worth watching and I'd highly recommend them. As a collective, they are most definitely in my Top 10.

Rating: 10/10. 

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